Most folks here are pretty biased to stock equipement, Looking for a smaller coil for trashy areas ??? Save yourself a few buck and try a 5 inch excellerator coil by kellyco. I had the mini shooter coil and honestly got rid of it because at the time I wanted more coverage but better separation than the stock. I got a 14 inch excellerator and was blown away at the depth and separation, not to mention it has more coverage than the stock, then I got to wanting another smaller coil for a couple super trashy areas i had found, As I said I had tried the mini shooter and it does a good job, can't knock the little coil but I honestly feel you get better separation with the 5 inch excellerator and in my neck of the woods get stuff just as deep if not deeper than the mini shooter, Every has there own opinion and I am not trashing any products But I would not take 2 mini shooters for the ex. coil. <img src="/metal/html/grin.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":grin"> And as far as them 8-9 inch coins with the mini shooter , is that what the meter shows or actually measured, I'd hafta see it to believe it and I'm sure many of you say the same as far as the ex. coils go but maybe yall aint swingin'em right <img src="/metal/html/lol.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":lol">