Yep, you're so right Ben. Electrolysis is in my opinion the best way to clean those really valuable finds. It takes a lot of practice to do it right. Leave the juice to a good coin too long and you get pitting. It also takes a lot of time because you can only safely do one coin at a time. Don't expect electrolysis to do the whole job. Just juice it long enough to loosen the crud so you can brush/pick it clean with a very soft toothbrush and wooden toothpick. Better to have to hook up a valuable coin a second time than to zap it too long. Unfortunately, 99.5% of my finds these days are just modern clad that go into a big coffee can. When it gets full, the tumbler with a little sand and dishwasher detergent is the fastest way to make them presentable for the bank. When you tumble, do pennies separately or all your dimes and quarters will be penny colored. HB