<span style="background-color:#ffff00;">When you say FE, what do you mean! </span>
In the illustration the upper left of the screen can be set in edit or by going to the menu and using FE Coins. I said FE coins thinking some users may not be use to edit and could use that if they wanted to since it is hard to see exactly how much of the screen was open in the illustration.
<span style="background-color:#ffff00;">Are you in Ferrious or Cond. sounds! </span>I use Ferrous sounds as that causes the upper right (FE Coins) to sound low. In Conductive sounds that area will sound with a high tone. By using Ferrous then I know that only coins will have a consistent high sound. The high tone will be consistent when you sweep from several directions. A nail may peep through as a high tone but will go low when you change the direction of sweep.
<span style="background-color:#ffff00;">What sensivity setting do yo use and are yoi in manual or semi-auto! </span>
Sensitivity is set to 28 in Semi-auto. In manual sensitivity the digital numbers will jump around as will the crosshairs. A major advantage of semi-auto is that the digital numbers and the crosshairs are solid. The numbers will flicker and the crosshairs will jump around in manaul. If they are solid then manual will work fine.
I hunt using the digital screen and then switch to the IM-16 screen if needed to see where the crosshairs are located. One can hunt in the Smart Screen, IM, or Digital depending on preference. I also use the Audio Gain at 10 and have the threshold tone set as low as it will go. Then set the threshold on the screen function to just above silent. This keep the iron tone at a low tone with a good difference for the high coins tones. For the most part you only hear a threshold tone, low tone for iorn and then high tone for coins. COINS GIVE A SOLID HIGH TONE IN ALL DIRECTIONS OF THE SWEEP OF THE COIL.
The program can be adjusted to preferences as we were getting great depth. The two older silver dimes good 8 to 10" and were very strong hits. There is room to play around with the adjustments and to preferences of the user.
Hope this answers your question.
HH, Cody