Mike (Virginia Beach)
New member
Hit the surflane for low tide, from about 1 to 5 this AM. It was very windy, cool but nice, rough surf, warm water. I dug a bunch of clad, much very deep. I worked the shallow water, wet sand, and high wet sand...there was no hot spot, except for a couple of clad honey holes that were short-lived. I saw Darren from Chesapeake who scored a nice gold ring and Roger and Jim from Ohio who hadn't found much at the time. I dug what I believed were two gold rings and upon further inspection, the one with the "stone" appears to be fake. It LOOKS like gold, it SOUNDS like gold, but there are no markings and the "stone" appears to be a little plastic bead with a gold post in it. Like some weak-ass Avon junk. Oh well, you can't win 'em all. The other smaller heart ring is 10K. It made a LOW and SWEET sound on the Excalibur.