Instructions revised ?????? Hi Dave, Ok start in CJ air / Gnd push Edit up run the Edit #s to 95 thean press LRN / REJ two times to get a promped now run from 95 to 00 pull the triger the Detector will not respond to targers, Now get some coines
5 cents 10 cents 25 cente or whatever you want to find Now press LRN /ACC one time one at a time pass the coins across the coil and pull the triger, Wala your done , Now your Eagle will just respond to the coins,
You taught your Detector to just see the coins by adjusting the Disc Electronically,
N if you need to call I can run you through it (209)704-6076 , And say Hi to Hal I know him through MR Bill,
MickFin over N out, Mickey Lewis,
N if you need to call I can run you through it (209)704-6076 , And say Hi to Hal I know him through MR Bill,
MickFin over N out, Mickey Lewis,
5 cents 10 cents 25 cente or whatever you want to find Now press LRN /ACC one time one at a time pass the coins across the coil and pull the triger, Wala your done , Now your Eagle will just respond to the coins,
You taught your Detector to just see the coins by adjusting the Disc Electronically,
N if you need to call I can run you through it (209)704-6076 , And say Hi to Hal I know him through MR Bill,
MickFin over N out, Mickey Lewis,
N if you need to call I can run you through it (209)704-6076 , And say Hi to Hal I know him through MR Bill,
MickFin over N out, Mickey Lewis,