I have been using a used but new to me White's Eagle II SL the last couple of days & am really impressed with it. I got lots of coins but very few nickels and no jewelry. Only thing other than a coin I have found is a 1961 dog license tag. I have been runnig it in the Beach mode figuring this would be the best mode to use in the school grounds/tot lots. Another thing that I noticed is that I am not getting many pull tabs, so if I am not getting many pull tabbs & very few nickels I probably am missing the rings and jewelry. Is this because the Eagle runs at 6.9 kHz or do I need to change my settings. I had a fella from one of the forums tell me that there are alot of programs that the Eagle can be set at and he had some that he would send to me but I haven't heard back from him. I really like this detector and would like any help I can get on it. Thanks! Steve.