New member
Quoting Andy Sabisch "This is the basis for the misinformation circulating", Jan10, 2009, E-Track Forum, SmartScreen Thread
"If you watch the MLOTV videos they say that the Safari is a turn-on-and-go Explorer: Well, I guess you could also say the Chevrolet Chevette was a turn-on-and-drive Corvette but I doubt many would buy that either. The Safari (and Quattro) use the FBS circuitry but you can be assured that they are NOT turn-on-and-go Explorers. The detection depth is not the same by design and the target ID is based on a single number ranging from -10 to +40. Not knocking either one (Safari or Quattro) since I own and use both but I do not delude myself and say it is the same as my E-Trac or Explorer. Excellent performance with minimal adjustments and a unit that will out hunt the competition with the right techniques but it is not an Explorer . . . and Minelab has never claimed it to be one."
So, if the detection depth is not the same by design how much difference is there in the detection depth between the three detectors? I thought the Quattro and Safari were as deep but without all the features which help with identification.
"If you watch the MLOTV videos they say that the Safari is a turn-on-and-go Explorer: Well, I guess you could also say the Chevrolet Chevette was a turn-on-and-drive Corvette but I doubt many would buy that either. The Safari (and Quattro) use the FBS circuitry but you can be assured that they are NOT turn-on-and-go Explorers. The detection depth is not the same by design and the target ID is based on a single number ranging from -10 to +40. Not knocking either one (Safari or Quattro) since I own and use both but I do not delude myself and say it is the same as my E-Trac or Explorer. Excellent performance with minimal adjustments and a unit that will out hunt the competition with the right techniques but it is not an Explorer . . . and Minelab has never claimed it to be one."
So, if the detection depth is not the same by design how much difference is there in the detection depth between the three detectors? I thought the Quattro and Safari were as deep but without all the features which help with identification.