Well, I picked up a e trac from Marty at JMT Detectors this week. It arrived just yesterday. Looking forward to getting out and learning the machine. I ran it on the test bed for a while today and was impressed with the depth and id (especially in my soil). It was hitting the 8" dime and nickle well enough that I'm confident I would not have passed over them in the field and certainly were "dig me" signals. The 10" quarter was right on the edge of detection. The tone and id was good maybe 60% of the passes. Yeah, I would have dug it showing 10" depth, but easily could have walked over that one in the field. This is multi tone, conductive, manual sensitivity 26 (ran stable) with just a little iron disc. This soil registers 4 bars and 85 avg. on the T2 Classic. So, I will be looking at the small coils and tinkering with ttf and 4tf to see how it goes in some of the sites I hunt littered with nails.
Thanks for every ones help.