New member
I joke around a lot as you guy's know by now, many times I've referred to my Lobo ST as a Rubber Ducky. But last night I was air testing it when the thought came "this detector really sounds like a dying, wounded animal..... Now you guys that detect with buddies don't have this worry, but I wonder if using this detector in the wild alone, without headphones, might just be hazardous to your health? Hey, when I hunted for varmits, I used calls to call in preditors. They didn't sound all that much different than a Lobo ST..... Just what I need, to call in a bunch of hungry Coy-dogs..... Or how about a big starving Cougar....... You know, maybe I'll go down to the Novelty store and buy a mask of a real bad looking dude with really big angry eyes, and wear it on the back of my head. They say Big bad-a.s.s cats (Cougars, no!, the 4 legged kind, Tigers etc) won't attack to the front, only from the back ! This might be serious stuff.....