I wasn't having such a great hunt today. I was finding trash, trash, and more trash. Basically, a normal hunt for this hobby. I was getting discouraged. To make things worse, a pack of kids came up and wouldn't leave. They were such a pain in the a$$. Finally, most of them left, all but two of them. I had had enough and decided to try and walk towards a different part of the park to try and lose them. As I walked, they followed, and kept getting in front of me. I moved to one side, and then the next, just trying to move away from them, and then I hit the signal. Faint, but sounded very silver in nature. OK, lets dig. When I uncovered the Barber I was in shock. Also it was then that I realized if it hadn't of been for these kids I would've NEVER have found this dime today. Their persistence moved me right to it! haha. I wasn't angry at their presence after that. 

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