Fastdraw, those were some good finds!! I have a go to local park that gives up coins every time I go. Basically learned how to use my EQ 600 in this park finding assorted items and learning how the machine reacted to the various targets. What helped immensely, was I could find anything from coins, jewelry to Civil War bullets and artifacts!!! It was my practice place to learn without having to set up a test garden at my house. I too, experimented with different settings and search modes. I would usually wind up going with the Park 1 mode. I also switched back and forth between the stock 11 inch coil and the 6 inch coil. Have found more coins using the 6 inch coil. Oldest coins I have found there were a 1905 V nickle and a 1904 Barber quarter.
So, I was just curious as to why you found your best finds that day with the Park 2 mode? I very rarely use that mode. When I am searching fields for Civil War relics, I usually use Field 2. I might have to try Park 2 at some point in time. I have also noticed that when detecting in Field 2, lead (Minnie balls and round musket balls) ring up in the 16 to 17 VID range. When using Park 1 or Field 1, lead will be a solid 18 with maybe a 17 depending on the orientation of the target. Anyway, always interested in learning from others in how they use their machine!!! Good luck to you in your future hunts!!!