It used to be that during our waterfowl hunting season, that we could take 1 goose and 4 mallards, then the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) decided that they were going to put a point system into effect on our waterfowl 100 points a day.....1 goose 50 pts..........1 Drake (male mallard) 25 points each, female mallard 40 points each. Ducks are much better eating and you could shoot more, so no one was shooting the "poopers" and now they are regretting it big time. They are polluting our Great Lakes, small ponds and other lakes. Creating a massive health hazard, so bad that the DNR closes some beaches and state parks because of all the crap. They have tried trapping them in nets and relocating them, ha ha that really worked good. They just flew right back. Now they have to hire hunters to please shoot them, no points on them now, but that is a special season only......nge