After several months of rather regular finds, today got an 1828 large cent in good condition. Got it at a site where last year I got a large cent under a sidewalk paver at an old estate. It was about 15 feet from that one -dont know how I missed it as have gone over that place a number of times. Was trying what some said they where doing with their F75ltd. Was running it at 95 sense, and tried the 0 descrim, but the iron razzes where brutal. Discrimination at 10 helped a lot. The cent hit about 77-80, 7 inches deep. Gave it to the twelve year old who lives there and is also holding on to the one I got there last year (1842). When I visit he hunts with me, i have a cheap machine i loan him, and he is always asking for the buzzer (the pro pointer). He he relentless when pursuing something and will dig quite the crater, his parents dont mind at all, it is out in the country and they mow the lawn maybe three times a year. Sixty plus degrees today was outstanding for an upstate outing. CO