any more as it is usually not needed. Most Doctors do not know what to do. They will give you bits of info to try. I had a guy a month ago that had done everything so he thought, stretched it,iced it, took anti inflammatories, taped it, used a night splint, had cortisone shots, had physical therapy, got the correct shoes, Didn't go barefoot, in his socks or slippers, Sat at 90 degrees, didn't put his feet in the wrong positions, used over the counter insoles. The more he was on it the more it hurt. Another words he did everything he was suppose to do almost...This went on for over 2 years. He was out of work because of it. I had him mostly out of pain before he left the hospital. Two weeks later he said he was about 80% better. He doesn't have any pain today. I would run from a Doctor that wanted to do surgery on it. At least see a foot and ankle surgeon before you do. They are orthopedic surgeons that have had alot more schooling then a podiatrist.
Hope all works out, Jamie
James Timmons C. Ped