Last month I posted a picture and story about the robins who built a nest over our light on the back deck. Every Spring Karen hangs a wreath over the light. And each year the Robins and Doves compete to build a nest on top of it. This year the Robin won out and built first. We watched her build the nest in just a couple of days, lay on the nest, feed the babies, and then watched them grow and fly off. About a week ago I took the Robin nest down. Early Yesterday morning I stepped out on the deck and noticed a Mourning Dove building a nest on top of the wreath. After going out for awhile, I came back about 2:00 PM...The nest was completely built and the Dove was nesting. I can't figure why they are so intent on using this place to nest each year. There is a little overhang on the house which protects them from the weather. (and we have had lots of that this Spring)..That could be the answer.
It amazes me how diligently and quickly the birds can build a nest and how soon it takes to nest, lay eggs, and raise a brood of little younguns' The Doves are much less wary of us than the robins and will not budge, unlike the Momma Robin who would fly off the nest at a glance at us.
It amazes me how diligently and quickly the birds can build a nest and how soon it takes to nest, lay eggs, and raise a brood of little younguns' The Doves are much less wary of us than the robins and will not budge, unlike the Momma Robin who would fly off the nest at a glance at us.