Hey Tippyhound, My first question would be "what is not happening on your target ID that you think should be happening?" In other words, does it read higher or lower than you think it should? Is it inconsistent in the readings? Or does it just not come anywhere close to what the target ends up being? If the readings don't come close to matching the target ID charts I've posted in the past, I would have to wonder if your detector is working properly.
I think the X-Terra is a very good coin hunting detector. Like Monte mentioned, why else would it have notch discrimination and Coin/Treasure Patterns? I use several different detectors and have to say that the target ID of the X-Terra is just as good as any of them. In other words, if a silver dime reads a 36 or 38 on my X-70, you can bet the farm that it will read that same number every time I sweep over it. (unless being masked by adjacent trash). As well, that same dime will likely read 78 on my XLT, 66 on my XLPro and 3/28 or 29 on my Explorer. The point is, all detectors will read a different number. But each detector should read consistent numbers on like targets.
Having forgotten where you live, I can't comment on whether or not a DD coil will improve the performance of your X-70. I live in Iowa, and the soil in my neck of the woods is considered to be moderately mineralized. Some of my detectors only have DD coils available for them. And they do a good job. But, for those models that have either DD or concentric, I find the concentric to work just fine. I am more apt to change coils due to coil size than either frequency or DD/Concentric. Maybe I'm just not understanding how changing from concentric to DD will effect your TID.
Let us know what your specific concern is and we can better address the issue for you. HH Randy