New member
Well it was rainy and windy today, wasn't sure where to go. Was getting tired of the same areas that I hunted last week. Needed new scenery. Ended up at this little out of the way place, I didn't think much of it, but when I saw the first coin in the scoop was a silver quarter, my mind started to race...Fast forward a few minutes and BANG, my first chain of the day. Marked 14 K, and it still had the anchor charm on it... wasn't broken don't know how they lost that one... A few more coins, and another silver quarter, then another silver four leave clover, seems to be a pin of some type.... Wind was picking up, and found myself making a bee line to an area that had a lot of rocks... I looked down and saw a dime on the ground, and when I bent over to grab it, got a signal and I dug up a gold chain with a diamond in the center of it...Also marked 14 K with a nice custom made brooch with a 1/4 diamond in the center... yes it's real... tested good ... A few more coins and the tide was getting high... headed for the barn ...on a roll....Happy