Hello all,
Someone in a post was talking about polar plot being better then the size screen as it gives a better idea as to what is in the ground. They were so right! ( it reminds me of the days when i was an electronic tech using a Huntron Tracker 2000 ) I went to a park at the beach today to play around with the new settings ( i put every program to use polar plot instead of size) after about 30 or so minutes of digging my targets and looking at both the VDI and the polar plot signature, I was able to start calling every dig before i put shovel to ground. after another hour of knowing in my mind before digging what the target was ( and of course checking by digging ) I was able to speed up my MDing by not having to dig every target. I was able to pass up so many bottle caps ( this place is a drinkers paradise i guess ) I would still dig the foil targets even though the polar plot verified they were foil ( in my mind at least ) just in case i was wrong. All in all it was a good day, not so much as to what i found but the knowledge i gained from reading posts here and testing the logic in the field. Thank you all for the great information on this great forum.
Ventura Ca.
Someone in a post was talking about polar plot being better then the size screen as it gives a better idea as to what is in the ground. They were so right! ( it reminds me of the days when i was an electronic tech using a Huntron Tracker 2000 ) I went to a park at the beach today to play around with the new settings ( i put every program to use polar plot instead of size) after about 30 or so minutes of digging my targets and looking at both the VDI and the polar plot signature, I was able to start calling every dig before i put shovel to ground. after another hour of knowing in my mind before digging what the target was ( and of course checking by digging ) I was able to speed up my MDing by not having to dig every target. I was able to pass up so many bottle caps ( this place is a drinkers paradise i guess ) I would still dig the foil targets even though the polar plot verified they were foil ( in my mind at least ) just in case i was wrong. All in all it was a good day, not so much as to what i found but the knowledge i gained from reading posts here and testing the logic in the field. Thank you all for the great information on this great forum.
Ventura Ca.