. Interesting and makes sense too..I wonder if the lifetime warranty is what led to Tesoro’s demise..
NOT directed at ML ( havnt read the terms ).
Most new product warranties do this, lets go old school !
You have a TV & the CRT fails at 18 months. Its under a 2 yr warr. BUT the
labor is 1 yr so you pay labor only. The new CRT ( or any other warranty parts)
is ONLY warrantied til the end of the warranty period ( 6 more months in this case).
If it is out of warranty you pay everything. The new CRT will have a warranty typically 2 or 5 yrs
along with a labor warr by the shop of 3mo or 1 yr.
Extended warranties are full of surprises !
1) they can by it off. If they see too many claims on a model they will pay you back the balance of
the unused warranty & end it. This happens due to the way parts become NLA (no longer available).
Otherwise they go broke buying NEW replacements. Seen this happen with Whirlpool fridges.
At a few yrs old you couldnt get the defrost element so they bought off all the warranties.
2) They get fulfilled. Especially small stuff. Buy a radio for $40. Pay $5 for a 5 yr warr. The radio breaks. Interesting and makes sense too from a business stand point...I wonder how much Tesoro’s lifetime warranty played into its demise
a yr later. They give you a new one. That breaks in 2 days. The contract has been fulfilled so no
free radio this time.
Enuf fer now