I've read a few posts that suggest that your DISC settings affect depth. I don't understand that cause I thought it only affected what the machine "reports", audibly masking out unwanted condutivity readings.
The other question is pinpointing. If you have several targets(in this case it was a busted up pipe with shards of it strew in an area about 3ft circular)that are very close together, how do you pinpoint the target you want....in this case, I didn't have enough room to wiggle the coil back to me without picking up a new target. The trash was highly conductive, therefore misleading. My technique in other situations was to cut a path into the "good" target by digging other "unwanted targets". Any suggestions for a better approach, or is it even worth the trouble????
Let me add that I have been VERY pleased with the responses to other question and DEEPLY(no pun)appreciate your taking the time to answer my questions.
Oh,,, and all you "NEWBIES LIKE ME" should put your "CENTS"(pun <IMG SRC="/forums/images/smile.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="
"> ) into postings .... remember...."From the mouths of Babes..."
The other question is pinpointing. If you have several targets(in this case it was a busted up pipe with shards of it strew in an area about 3ft circular)that are very close together, how do you pinpoint the target you want....in this case, I didn't have enough room to wiggle the coil back to me without picking up a new target. The trash was highly conductive, therefore misleading. My technique in other situations was to cut a path into the "good" target by digging other "unwanted targets". Any suggestions for a better approach, or is it even worth the trouble????
Let me add that I have been VERY pleased with the responses to other question and DEEPLY(no pun)appreciate your taking the time to answer my questions.
Oh,,, and all you "NEWBIES LIKE ME" should put your "CENTS"(pun <IMG SRC="/forums/images/smile.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="