I'm OLD (75) but new to this forum. Just a short note that might help here tho. I have a couple of digital cameras that have cards and I found out that if I push in and release real quick that the card will pop right out.. Now, just to let you folks know, I'm a natural born and raised Floridian (not many of us left). I live here in the city of Okeechobee, FL on the north shore of the lake. (which in the Seminole language means " big water"). KC, aka: floridason.
I just came upon this digital camera imaging forum and found that you are just what I am looking for.(I've been on the MXT forum for a couple of years now) and so
far I hadn't learned what kind of camera to buy, or how to put pics on the forum. But thanks to finding this forum maybe I can learn something. I'm going down to out Radio Shack tomorrow and see if I can pick up a camera(as suggested above) and try to get one. Then maybe you guys can help me with getting it onto the MXT forum and here also. This forum reminds me of the MXT forum, a lot of good ideas and help on both. Thanks, and hope all of you have a good upcoming week.
PS, Sure enjoyed all the pics my wife and I looked at on here too. KC