I agree with all the above. The other thing to keep in mind is the land owner. After a great deal of research, I located a civil war area on private property. I thought I would be the first to hunt it, but the owner broke the bad news to me that it had been heavily hunted since at least the 1960s, and probably nothing was left. He told me I could hunt anytime I wanted, but only me, and I had to let him know when I was there. He asked that I not tell anyone about the place because he didn't want a bunch of strangers showing up there. I have kept my promise over the years. Never found a lot there...a few bullets and one button, but I'm always welcome back because I didn't make him regret giving me permission. Opening that can of worms is an easy way to wear out your welcome. All you really need is for some idiot to take dump in the owner's back yard and then say, yep, so and so's cousin told me about this place, and now you're not even welcome back. Not worth it. Besides, I like sharing my finds after I find them, but the hunt is mine. It's not greed. I just like the alone time and besides, I did the research, I got the permission, why risk it. I can ask my buddy to help with the local high school sometime. Of course if you fall into an old well, you're screwed.