I was detecting yesterday evening and was trying to get in some extra time before having to leave. After the sun went down and while there still was enough light to see, the display is just awesome and so easy to see.
Some folks were leaving the park and this little gal maybe early teens run over to see what I was doing. She saw the display and wanted to see what it looked like. Just about that time I was zeroing in on a quarter signal. So I repeated over the signal and was showing and explaining to her that I think there is a quarter here almost 4 inches down. "NO WAY" she said. I ran a brass probe down and hit a target. Then cut a small plug with the Lesche and flopped over the plug. Then whipped the pinpointer out since it was getting kind of too dark to see. Zeroed in the quarter, plucked it up from the hole and handed it to her. She was like WOW! Then I noticed her mom standing about 10 yards away with a smile. So I told the girl well that's it, time to go. She ran over to show mom the quarter and I hear mom say that's really neat. Then I hear the girl tell mom that she wanted one of those detectors with one of those screens to help stupid people find stuff like money
Some folks were leaving the park and this little gal maybe early teens run over to see what I was doing. She saw the display and wanted to see what it looked like. Just about that time I was zeroing in on a quarter signal. So I repeated over the signal and was showing and explaining to her that I think there is a quarter here almost 4 inches down. "NO WAY" she said. I ran a brass probe down and hit a target. Then cut a small plug with the Lesche and flopped over the plug. Then whipped the pinpointer out since it was getting kind of too dark to see. Zeroed in the quarter, plucked it up from the hole and handed it to her. She was like WOW! Then I noticed her mom standing about 10 yards away with a smile. So I told the girl well that's it, time to go. She ran over to show mom the quarter and I hear mom say that's really neat. Then I hear the girl tell mom that she wanted one of those detectors with one of those screens to help stupid people find stuff like money