*** This pattern looks interesting but what does it actually Disc out ? ***
For most people the only important DISC area is the 29-30Fe. This affects the Med-Low Tone by keeping the higher-probability junk iron from giving a tone within that zone. That leaves the 18-28Fe the Med-Low Tone, which is a zone worth considering for down-averaged coins in mineralized soil. Iron will be increasing likely the lower the Fe number, so it helps isolate the tone to the more likely coin areas. The top several Fe DISC lines are there to silence strong iron that wraps around to the low Fe values. The upper-right DISC is just to silence hot-rocks - for most people it is not necessary.
Overall, even my light use of DISC is a bit excessive. That is, some areas could easily be cut back or tailored to your hunting area. You can only use this pattern with 4TF. It is the only mode I use now because it works so well. The goal is not to add more DISC but to remove whatever you really don't need. The pattern becomes an on-going process of removing unnecessary DISC and paring down to the bare minimum.