hey shenandoah. i'm in central va., have a tejon and have done really well with it halfway between iron and foil on primary disc. i set the alt disc level to nickel, so when i get a good hit, all the nasty old iron is out, but i'll still hear and get the gold and nickels, and i'll dig bullets, buckles, and buttons all day. sometimes deep aluminum or zinc will sound good, depending on the ground. if i start running into deep .22 bullets that sound good, i'll move the primary disc up a hair until i get out of them... then back down with the primary disc. the trigger is real useful in this setting too - tells ya real quick what's good or not right off the bat. with the tejon, if it doesn't hold a signal, starts breaking up, then it's probably junk to begin with. using these settings, shenandoah, make sure you dig the repeatable whisper signals - it's usually a deep button or deep brass. very little of worth is missed when you use these settings. give 'em a try and let me know what ya think.