Gunnar of bradford MN
New member
I finally got to search , by the big oak tree and was disapointed for shure i guess my imagination got the best of me , reality was harsh i started getting beeps as soon as i put the detector to the ground --22 shells lots of them i must have recovered a full hand full ,and nails ohh nails its seems over the years many a deer stand was built in the tree and i found 1970s pop tabs and one old iron somthing but no coins no treasure the only thing i found was disapointment -- but it is the disapointment s that make the finds when they come so gloriuos if i found treasure all the time i would not be very thankfull its better to go down the roughand rockey road first because when it gets paved you really value it maybe thats why God allows suffering so that we will be thankfull andvalue heaven after all was not lucifer that great angel created into perfection ?almost like a rich kidd and the splenders and perfections of heaven whear not enuff for him he wanted the throne of God he felt he was getting a bad deal from God but in his lust he fell and lost it all as did adam and eve who also had a perfect wourld given to them whith no paine or sorrow but how could they have known what they had how could they be thankfull for it God gave them thousands of trees to eat from and only one they could not well they lost it all-- we are born into a fallen world a hard wourld of suffering and pain and hardships we will value heaven and be thankfull for it someday but i would have it no other way or i to would be arogant like lucifer i to would be like adam and eve so the more disapointment in finds the better it will be when i find somthing Good the nails and 22 shells and tabs are all preperation for the gold