Spent a few hours Sunday detecting the same spot I've been hitting the last couple weeks. Ended up finding a couple beat-up Indian heads, a wheatie, another
religious medal, and my second Canadian 5 cent silver outta this place
Religious medal ( notice the old bottle neck in the pic )
[attachment 203592 703and70611a014.jpg]
Freshly dug 1904 Canada 5 cent silver
[attachment 203593 703and70611a012.jpg]
Here's a couple pics from the area where I'm finding this stuff. It's a pretty steep hill, but the pics don't really show that.
[attachment 203595 703and70611a016.jpg]
[attachment 203597 703and70611a015.jpg]
I also found a plate ( narrowed it down to being made between 1901 and 1948 ). It's in great shape. It was sticking up out of the ground, just under a little dirt and some leaves.
This is the plate with the finds on it
[attachment 203601 703and70611b002.JPG]
Cleaned up
[attachment 203602 703and70611b005.JPG]
1908 & 1883 Indians, 1904 Canadian 5 cent silver, and medal.
I'm gonna add some more pics to this post. See ya down below
religious medal, and my second Canadian 5 cent silver outta this place
Religious medal ( notice the old bottle neck in the pic )
[attachment 203592 703and70611a014.jpg]
Freshly dug 1904 Canada 5 cent silver
[attachment 203593 703and70611a012.jpg]
Here's a couple pics from the area where I'm finding this stuff. It's a pretty steep hill, but the pics don't really show that.
[attachment 203595 703and70611a016.jpg]
[attachment 203597 703and70611a015.jpg]
I also found a plate ( narrowed it down to being made between 1901 and 1948 ). It's in great shape. It was sticking up out of the ground, just under a little dirt and some leaves.
This is the plate with the finds on it
[attachment 203601 703and70611b002.JPG]
Cleaned up
[attachment 203602 703and70611b005.JPG]
1908 & 1883 Indians, 1904 Canadian 5 cent silver, and medal.
I'm gonna add some more pics to this post. See ya down below