Think of Iron Mask as being a switch that turns the Explorer into another type of detector.
Ironmasks visual crosshair and audio is basically seperate from what your SMART SCREEN can offer when the Explorer is in the crosshair or digital mode.
If you where to take the SMARTSCREEN and OPEN it up to the degree where you have NO discrimiation at all you would find that it behaves in a similar if not the same as a fully opened -16 IRONMASK screen. When you start to engage IROMASK by increasing, or adding to the incriments say -15 then -14 then -13 until it's maximum 0 IRONMASK, you are in effect limiting the detector to only POSITIVELY signal on a NON FERROUS object close or within an area of high iron content. There is a chance that even if you object is directly obove iron trash then it should be detected and in fact even when it is very close or in some cases under iron it should be detected. This is where the ratio of the size of the object to the size of the iron comes into play and that is where the non ferrous object may NOT be detected.
SMARTSCREEN allows you to put in your own and some of the preset onboard values of what you want or not want included into you detecting equation. It also allows you to engage the measurements the conductivity and the inductivity of the object, when it is introduced into the search field of the detectors search coil output.
For Example:
As a start point try a SMARTSCREEN, with FERROUS and CONDUCT SOUNDS with the AUDIO sets at 1 , 10 ,10,SENS @ 16 AUTO/MANUAL, THRESH HOLD 11, GAIN 5
with a blank no discrimination area in it and listen to the audio and watch the cross hair location on a target with iron trash in . on and naet to it.
Compare it to the a -16 IronMask screen with FERROUS and CONDUCT SOUNDS with the AUDIO sets at 1 , 10 ,10. SENS @ 16 AUTO/MANUAL, THRESH HOLD 11, GAIN 5.
The DIGITAL screen is basically a digitally presented calculation that lets you see a numerical and iconical representaion, fairly accurate depending on detector settings, of what has been detected.
This one area of flexibilty gives you the option on what bests suits your needs in terms of what you want to see on the screen.
I feel that this "flexibilty" is what makes the Explorer so good as it will suit the individual needs of most detecting for different targets in many different parts of the WORLD.
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Hope this helps