Yesterday afternoon, I took my Eldorado uMAX with the 3x18 CleanSweep coil to an area I had hunted several times in the past with the usual clad and tabs results. Late last fall, though, my wife dug her first coin without my help there and it was a 1944 wheatie. I figured maybe there's more to the place than what I'd been finding, like, maybe, silver?
Right next to the parking lot, the first target was a clad dime - not a big deal, but beats a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. A couple of pennies followed before I got to the area I was most interested in where I found a clad quarter right off. The ground is covered in coarse grass and is sandy loam, making recovery and repair easy. I decided to dig everything, especially since there's good reason to expect jewelry, too. I dug a lot of iffy signals, with a few solid hits mixed in that were modern coins or bottle caps, to the point where I questioned my decision to dig it all until a particular iffy got my curiosity. It broke up with the disc set just below foil, but it was consistent. I dug it and stuck in the bottom of the plug, about 4 inches down was a nickle, a 1937 buffalo nickle,the first I've found. Now, I know some of you find these kinds of things all the time, but I did a little jig right out there in plain sight of anyone who cared to look.
I did dig everything after that and came up with three more nickels, one of which turned out to be a 1947 Jefferson.
Thanks for sharing this with me. I just had to tell somebody!
Right next to the parking lot, the first target was a clad dime - not a big deal, but beats a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. A couple of pennies followed before I got to the area I was most interested in where I found a clad quarter right off. The ground is covered in coarse grass and is sandy loam, making recovery and repair easy. I decided to dig everything, especially since there's good reason to expect jewelry, too. I dug a lot of iffy signals, with a few solid hits mixed in that were modern coins or bottle caps, to the point where I questioned my decision to dig it all until a particular iffy got my curiosity. It broke up with the disc set just below foil, but it was consistent. I dug it and stuck in the bottom of the plug, about 4 inches down was a nickle, a 1937 buffalo nickle,the first I've found. Now, I know some of you find these kinds of things all the time, but I did a little jig right out there in plain sight of anyone who cared to look.
I did dig everything after that and came up with three more nickels, one of which turned out to be a 1947 Jefferson.
Thanks for sharing this with me. I just had to tell somebody!