Thanks for the comments. Glad to be of help.
Steve - My ground is somewhat iron mineralized and contains a fair amount of iron, small and medium. The dropping Fe numbers are from those two things. First, when you see them bouncing that is from the iron mineralization and second, when you see them steady and in the 20's, that is most likely averaging due to nearby iron (and the iron mineralization acts as a nice conduit I would imagine.) I run the sensitivity at 30 just because I like finding the deeper coins, which seems to max out around 9" in this soil. Could probably go another 2 inches on larger higher conductors. If you can't run so hot but want to try for more depth, 25 seems to be that magic number - there is a boost process there of sorts.
As others have said, unless those Fe numbers are in the high 30's, they are worth digging. So, those Fe numbers in the 20's, especially at depth (but not only) are for sure worth looking at. Be careful checking in Quick mask as nearby iron will drop the cursor to the lower right corner (sometimes) and trick you.
Eva - Unfortunately, the last name on the ring is not a German one and I couldn't find one reference to it in the yellow pages. I like using TTF at times but unless the iron is VERY HEAVY, I find conductive to do a better job. Also, you have to be careful if your Fe numbers drop like mine do, then TTF might not always work well. That said, I guess running TTF for the whole hunt would be the best way to learn it, and I'm still switching to it.
Lastly, I have enough footage for a few more videos, nothing great, but deeper coins with the screen - nothing new to add here. But, I have no choice, my virgin spot is now closed for a while :-( Wish me luck finding then next one, which is out there...