Gunnar of bradford MN
New member
just tried out the silver umax for the first time . the difrence bettween it and the Cibola is marked. its obveous to me that the silver is deeper in air test it gets 7.5" whith good signal thats great it blows my old M-6 away i love the all metal switch and that it is a silent seach all metal now one bad thing about the umax is the sensitivity can not bee turned down as much as the cibola for example if i wanted to hunt the first 2" of ground whith the cibola i could turn the sens down and itwould only get the 0 to 2" so i could clean up in layers this is a great ability when cleaning a trashy spot now on the other hand the sivler even at its lowest seting gets a sure 4.5 " deep whith no problenm but i cant turn it down any less i can deal whith it by getting the 4" coil which im shur will get less depth but i can see the silver umax even whith this 8" coil is a deep seeking machine im impressed whith its depth deeper than my M-6 and cibola ya i was getting a good signal on a penny at 7.5" in air test thats incredible my m- 6 could not get beond 6" and at that it was starting to falter so dont think of this silver as a toy it can keep up whith the best no wonder tabdogsaid thear was not much left after scaning the ground whith his silver it gets great depth im impressed it just cant go really shallow