I went to this tot lot today and it was one of the hardest lots to detect. I had false signals all over the place. Many pull tabs. Many 90 signals 7" deep and all were false. When I would get down about 8" the sand stopped and it was I think a rubber or tarp mat under the sand. I could tell the good signals by the solid sound and the reading was about 3". Those were good coin signals. It took me hours but I did get 56 coins out of that lot today. The condition of the coins showed that they were there a long time. I guess I am the only one goofy enough to spend that much time on an area which is very difficult to detect in. This is another time when having that 5.75"coil on my DeLeon has paid off. It was tiring trying to figure which was good and which was false and which was false with a good signal in there. I had to move slow and listen to every signal and watch the meter which I don't do very often. I had sensitivity down to 4 but still got many false signals. I even put in a new set of batteries thinking that would help but didn't. It just takes plain old stupidity to do this. I only mention it to say sometimes it is worth the struggle. Thanks for reading.... Z