Well that was my favorite TV show for years.What I'm about ready to tell you is not to be saying any thing bad about Shelby,I love him like a brother and better never here any body say anything bad about my friend.Now,with that out the way,I can say what I want about my friend and don't give a damn what he thinks,hehehe
Well this is it,On M.A.S.H. there's a fellow called Col.Flagg,A CIA type of fellow,He never sleep,he never eat,he will not be seen unless he want you to,he is tuff,and can not be broken.Well people this is Shelby (Old Grouch).The only way he sleep is when he go into comatose,The only way he eat is when a bug fly in his mouth,Well you get the pic.That is Shelby.Any thing a normal man dose,he thinks he's a wimp.He gets all over me cause I get 8hr.sleep a night and don't get up some time till 9:00am.He gets on me cause I eat three time a day.Well you get it.hehehe
But for the last 45yr.he has been fun to be with,We fuss all the time.Life is good
Ya'll have fun now
Well this is it,On M.A.S.H. there's a fellow called Col.Flagg,A CIA type of fellow,He never sleep,he never eat,he will not be seen unless he want you to,he is tuff,and can not be broken.Well people this is Shelby (Old Grouch).The only way he sleep is when he go into comatose,The only way he eat is when a bug fly in his mouth,Well you get the pic.That is Shelby.Any thing a normal man dose,he thinks he's a wimp.He gets all over me cause I get 8hr.sleep a night and don't get up some time till 9:00am.He gets on me cause I eat three time a day.Well you get it.hehehe

But for the last 45yr.he has been fun to be with,We fuss all the time.Life is good
Ya'll have fun now