charlie (ky)
New member
Maybe because the family's are just not as big as they used to be... Thanksgiving at Grandmas house was a big thing. A dozen cousins all scrunched up around a couple card tables.The grown ups in the kitchen at the big table. It was always like that. Now I have to sit next to a a six year old who likes only McNuggets and another that only eats mashed potato's.
It was the natural order of things.Kids and grown ups did not mix.
The last Thanksgiving at my Grandmas place,, I was home on leave. I was 17 and been in The Marines almost a year. I filled my plate and headed for the kid table, when Grandma said "Charles why don't you set at the table with us". I think that might be called coming of age.
It was the natural order of things.Kids and grown ups did not mix.
The last Thanksgiving at my Grandmas place,, I was home on leave. I was 17 and been in The Marines almost a year. I filled my plate and headed for the kid table, when Grandma said "Charles why don't you set at the table with us". I think that might be called coming of age.