Caretaker me
I was working at the yard that had all that coke ash in it, I detected it 4 times about an 1 to 2 hours each time , so I wasn't expecting anything, yeah right, all the signals were mixed, even the dime was down in the lead range, I was just digging all strong signals, I would have told anyone this yard was empty, it's only 20 fee by 20 feet if that, was hunting with the AT Pro and in custom pro, with the iron on, so I heard all the iron, it was like a machine gun in my ears, but ever now and then I would here a 50 to 60 beep, and zeroed in on it, the big round thing has Atwood Kent on it, it the face place to a table speaker around the late 20's, the dime is a 53, and got a neat token