well this was sure a interesting find the dfx locked on to a signal but could not pinpoint the target, one time it did give a reading of 13.5 but still would not pinpoint , it was tryed a few different times at different angles and still nothing.the ground had alot if mineralization and the detectors were a little unstable but not to bad a little falsing, I was asked to come over with my machine ,not gonna tell what I was useing , and it locked on to a real good coin signal and the numbers were perfect for a coin , the depth was only 7 inches, so we were both alittle baffled at the different reading , it was so perfect and I dug it expecting some tin or something like that figuring the dfx had a problem pinpointing it. pop the tip and reach in and there is this sweet little 1845 large cent on a angle.I looked up and laughed and said thank you whites!. I was going to bring the dfx too but said I need some time on the other machine,,glad I did..HH Carl