The ones with LCD screens are more prone to the bad effects of cold, a lot of guys (Me too) hunt all winter, sled hills, snowpiles etc...Like Hank said, when it gets below 0 those chemical handwarmers bundled up on the control box where the battery is and wrapped on there with an Ace bandage or something keep them running can carry a warm spare battery in your pocket and change it out too.....If you get a decent 6" snow over the top of the dirt before it freezes, you can still hunt and dig quite effectively...even shooting through that much snow a fellow still can get good signals....the ground wont freeze under the snow for a while...when it does, theres still some high dry areas in the woods under leaves and all that are diggable...the biggest problem I have is that the snow balls up on the coil and makes it very heavy, so I take one of those plastic grocery bags and just bag the coil with it and tie it off to the shaft...