For anyone considering apurchase, wait awhile and don't jump the gun, read the forums - all of them, read the field tests from credible field testers you know or think you can trust who ain't blowing smoke up your keaster - like me. HAA. Read and find out everything you can about a given machine. Don't buy because someone else tells you it's the greatest thing since sex and their's finds treasure everywhere. What is claimed to be good for someone else could be devestating for you. Buy something that fits you, everything about you, your experience and expertise, and fits the particular environment you hunt in and what you hunt for, plus the ergonomics of the machine. There's nothing worse than a machine that doesn't fit you or is uncomfortable to use. Above all check the customer service reports of the company whose detector you are interested in. Lousy service can rapidly negate all of the aforementioned..Also, unless you are a real pro, pick a machine that is easy to learn and operate. I've been doing this for 46 years and I still like em easy. Good luck.