Three hours or so on Saturday my Excalibur and I cleaned s couple of dollars in clad coins and four nickels from the beach I frequent near here.
Along with a half dozen bottle caps, a couple of toe rings and two .38 caliber bullets, I found two silver rings and a half dozen fishing sinkers and a few bits of aluminum.
I had little doubt that if there had been gold there I would have found it, however I opted to return yesterday with my Infinium LS to see if maybe a deeper scan might reveal something missed!
Thanks to the area being heavily worked by myself and others I didn't suffer the chore of clearing every blasted bit of scrap metal that using the LS usually involves.
For four and a half hours of hunting;
I found about a dollars worth of clad, no nickels or sinkers, and six bullets (2- .30 caliber and 4- ,22s), two toe rings and two ear rings and four bottle caps and a few bits of aluminum!
In all fairness to both detectors, I know you can't exactly cover the same search pattern, but I did notice the LS found smaller bullets.
The subsurface was mostly cobblestones, some gravel close to the waters edge and a thin layer of sand in spots.
At low tide I waded as deep as I could and moved closer to the waters edge as the tide came in.
I worked mostly parallel to the beach and concentrated my efforts on the center of the most active part of the half mile or so of beach front.
Walking on cobbles means that you can't get any closer to the targets than that.
If I didn't bring home the gold, it was because I missed it or it is very scarce!
Two of the three gold rings I found on my first hunt this year were old and deep and I fully expected to find more!
Reality is had to face sometimes, but it seems I may have to move on to other hunting grounds soon (like dry land!!)
Along with a half dozen bottle caps, a couple of toe rings and two .38 caliber bullets, I found two silver rings and a half dozen fishing sinkers and a few bits of aluminum.
I had little doubt that if there had been gold there I would have found it, however I opted to return yesterday with my Infinium LS to see if maybe a deeper scan might reveal something missed!
Thanks to the area being heavily worked by myself and others I didn't suffer the chore of clearing every blasted bit of scrap metal that using the LS usually involves.
For four and a half hours of hunting;
I found about a dollars worth of clad, no nickels or sinkers, and six bullets (2- .30 caliber and 4- ,22s), two toe rings and two ear rings and four bottle caps and a few bits of aluminum!
In all fairness to both detectors, I know you can't exactly cover the same search pattern, but I did notice the LS found smaller bullets.
The subsurface was mostly cobblestones, some gravel close to the waters edge and a thin layer of sand in spots.
At low tide I waded as deep as I could and moved closer to the waters edge as the tide came in.
I worked mostly parallel to the beach and concentrated my efforts on the center of the most active part of the half mile or so of beach front.
Walking on cobbles means that you can't get any closer to the targets than that.
If I didn't bring home the gold, it was because I missed it or it is very scarce!
Two of the three gold rings I found on my first hunt this year were old and deep and I fully expected to find more!
Reality is had to face sometimes, but it seems I may have to move on to other hunting grounds soon (like dry land!!)