Finally, a day off and its warmer then -30 C. I looked out my window this morning, and aside from a little window frost, the day had potential for a tundra hunt. It's been a couple of weeks......

I got some burgers with bacon for breakfast, then headed to one of my regular snow hills, which generally gets a lot of usage on weekends. I hunted for nearly 2 hours, when all of a sudden I saw a herd of SNOW-WARRIORS climbing up the steep embankment, all equipped with snow carpets, which come down the hill at amazing speed. The trouble is, steering is very limited on a rectangular piece of plastic. My inner "FIGHT OR FLIGHT" RESPONSE" said to head to the hills NOT! So, I packed it in and headed home.

While at the hill, I discovered a most amazing piece furniture. A easy-boy chair, the kind us guys usually get given to us in our homes, with skis attached to it! GENIOUS I say! What a great idea.....but I already know what would happen if I attempted to claim it and take it home. Not good
Of course I got a little loot too. It felt great to work up a sweat today! Dang good hobby in my books