A few months ago we had a men's meeting at my church to kinda get the ball rolling on a regular men's meeting. Well last night was the beginning of a new monthly meeting. I had invited 5 of my metal detecting friends, and two were able to come. You all know Greg from MI, he was there. After a meal and some fellowship we went into the sanctuary and sang three songs. Then I gave a message. Not your everyday kinda message either. You see I talked about my love for treasure hunting. My son was able to put pics of my friends including the last group shot at the CMD forum hunt, and many md finds up on the power point. I then switched gears and talked about my walk with the Lord and how detecting and the mens meetings were similar. I ended with telling them if they wanted to know how to find the altimate treasure (Jesus) To come and see me!
We closed with the song (Lord you are more precious than silver) It was a good time, and I wished you all could have been there! So I went ahead and video taped it and plan to put it on DVD format so you all can view the message!