Bavaria Mike
New member
I just got back from the Archaeology department in Trier Germany where I had a 1 hr 40 minute interview/information class. It went much better than expected and I will receive a detecting permit. The Dr. who interviewed me is very open to MDing however, with strict stipulations that I can live with. I have been given an area of about 40 square miles or more. At the end of the interview, he asked me where do I want to detect and I was not ready for that so I asked him where good sites would be, his reply was it is my job to find them as he already knows where the good sites are. He did help me a bit and I have a few areas that I have researched so I am happy with it. Anything I find belongs to me after they record it with a few exceptions, value does not matter, it has been 13 years since they invoked the law where they can take the find and that find was a cache of 3000 gold Roman coins and they gave a large finders fee, I do not know the value. They can ask to buy the finds from me but, I do not have to sell and must give them first chance to buy should I decide to sell. Have to report my finds every 3 months. I plan on cooperating with the Archaeology department and working with them and setting a good example of Metal Detectors helping Archaeologists. Part of this German state has already been shutdown due to bad detecting, I talked to that department and was releived to know the area I will be working in does not fall under their jurisdiction, barely the other side of the tracks, they gave me the telephone number to the Archie who interviewed me today. Sorry for the ramble, just wanted to share some great news, finds should start around mid April, now I have to find an apartment, LOL! HH, Mike