Dan in NEPA wrote:
"I'm thinking about vacationing at Nagshead N.C. Maybe the beaches at Rodanthe, or Kill Devil Hills, or South Nagshead can anyone tell me if your allowed to detect at these beaches."
We must all be quite careful about detecting on absolutely any Federal (US Gov't) or State land - even if it is a beach.
For example, the Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge (near Rodanthe, on the Outer Banks) ..."national" meaning it is US Gov't property, even including the rolling-waves beach part of the Refuge. The same goes for military-base land, all National Forest land, etc, etc. (It does NOT have be a "historic site.") The rangers WILL bust you for posession of a metal-detector.
Furthermore, the State of North Carolina forbids posession of a metal-detector on any (and I mean ANY) of its state-owned land. So, any NC state-owned beach, lake, recreational-area, state-forest land, park, wildlife refuge, etc, is illegal for detecting.
I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I know the above to be legal facts because I myself got a "stern warning" from a ranger at Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge. He also warned me not to set foot on NC state property with my detector - which he decided to let me keep.
I do not mean to be speaking harshly to you. I'm on your side of this, remember. : ) I'm just telling you what the arresting ranger (or game-warden) will say to you as he takes you and your detector off to Headquarters.