Depending upon where you are at in the World, this may or may not be an issue...generally speaking if you are wading in shorts or even long pants and theres leeches around, they will stick to you...especially if you are kicking around in slack water with deep mud...moving water not so big deal for the most part. I suppose somebody could try coating their legs with Vicks Vapo-rub, dont know for sure if this would work, just thought it up right now..Northern leeches are the biggest I've ever seen! Dont pull them off, burn them, pour salt or alcohol on them or anything like that.. you sort of have to scrape them gently off with your thumbnail, you dont want to be squeezing or otherwise making them puke whats in them into you..if you apply a light and gentle scraping action, they will let go on their own. The skinny end is where the mouth is, the wide end is where their foot is that has that disc on it to hold on while they feed. We'd catch a bunch for fishing by hopping over the side of a boat or canoe in the muddy area of a lake, and start rooting around in the mud with our legs and feet...this was in Northern MN lakes, and they were full of em! Same removal method for ticks. I didn't chose the name "Mudpuppy" for no reason!