Yesterday the weather turned nice and am sure last nice one before old man winter shows his face...Detecting a nearby park that is old but still used today I managed a common Mercury dime at 9-10 inches and the arrows couldn't make up their mind going between 4 and 5...perhaps the extremely wet ground helped and your area may differ. But one wonders if perhaps my Explorer or CZ would have done so well. ID was right on at 38 and it was right in middle of plug as pinpointing is extremely accurate and user friendly..Used auto ground balance and noise cancel with a slight threshold and a sens. of 25 with 99 tones and ferrous rejected as I interpet tones well and used the stock coil...See so many posts asking about depth of the X-terra 70 I thought I this post may help. Is this typical I really don't know as I haven't hunted real old places but it shows me it certainly has the ability to go deep when the conditions are right and the unit is set for extreme depth...You and yours all have a nice holiday and time to put the detector away as today is a family day and seems like the X-terra 70 was a good choice as its lightweight, good on batteries, user friendly and above all deep enoug to hang in there with the big boys...