I remember reading a post a couple of weeks ago about depth of finds.
Yesterday I found two 1869 nickels at the bottom of a 8" hole. From the bottom of the hole to the top came to the label on my VIBRA-PROBE. The coins were still encased in the dirt;therefore I know they did not drop while I was digging.
I was using my GTP 1350. I am sure this is not a record,however it is good enough for me. I am getting too old for major excavation just to retrieve a few coins.
Have a great Day,
Yesterday I found two 1869 nickels at the bottom of a 8" hole. From the bottom of the hole to the top came to the label on my VIBRA-PROBE. The coins were still encased in the dirt;therefore I know they did not drop while I was digging.
I was using my GTP 1350. I am sure this is not a record,however it is good enough for me. I am getting too old for major excavation just to retrieve a few coins.
Have a great Day,