Bought an Explorer II in Jan. and gave it my all for a couple of months. In Feb. i found the site of a lifetime, 6 large cents and one indian all less than 3 inches deep. Since, I have hunted this site dozens of times with no luck. I have found no signals beyond 3 inches. It may be there is nothing deeper but i cant believe it. In some areas of the site you can't hear a dime laying right on the surface. Have tried 8 in and 10 in coils with the same results. Iron everwhere! The field was in soybeans last year , corn this year. Deer hunted a fence row Saturday next to the site and all i could think of was metal detecting. The farmer told me the corn would be shelled by Saturday next and i'm ready to go. Have ran with low to high disc. and low to high sens. with same results. Does anyone have any insight to hunting this type of place? When i first got the machine i tried hunting all my old favorites and found nothing but new shallow coins so i dont have to much faith in it. Surley there's something I've missed about this machine. Would the 5 in loop help? Any advice would be appreciated. Jim