DFX had its place but for me I have always used raw depth machines like DMC 2-B nautilus, White's 5900, White's Specturm, eagles etc.
DFX worked well on salt beaches but was never created for monster depth.
I have been relic hunting since 1973 and used every machine. V3 in boost in good soil with same size coil is deeper than any other detector giving a solid signal. Some like the explorer will be close but you may just get a squeak initially where the V3 gives an obious hit. Hard to explain but a fact.
I still have a lot to learn but I am getting Minnie balls at measured 14" in pounded sites and the deepest target so far in all metal is a 1" X 2" shell fragment at 16" measured. V3 is also super sensitive to brass, cuff buttons, small lead and percussion caps IE you will not miss anything made of metal. I found 3 cannon friction primers on 3 different gun emplacements that I had been over with a fine tooth comb since 1973. They were really deep but right out in the open so no way I did not go over them in the past. Two were unfired so they have a metal wire inside that makes them even harder to pick up in disc. mode
I also dug a shot spencer cartridge over 14" in the side of a trench and they are hard to pick up as well.
I can't believe all the small 22 short cases, 22 bullet heads and percussion caps I am finding.
So far I only use High pro mode. Hope this helps