I go to the beach some in the winter. I love the beach and the possibilities that come with it in finding the big one(Spanish gold.) The beach can be like a dessert. If the sea deposited sand, it is clean and there is nothing in it. Walk down the lane and you might find a pocket where something may get deposited. Walk back and forth across the pocket. Other targets will be in a big circle or along a line at the same level on the beach.
If sand got taken away and there are cuts and holes down in the sand those are good places to check. I get frustrated because I have found some of the holes are 5 ft. deep. Aces don't go under water. Think about it. 5 ft. of sand gone and you are down to hard bottom. Treasure are sitting there just waiting to be picked up and I can't do anything about it. I collect sharks teeth and it is the same thing, the big ones are sitting in the holes. The holes come in the winter time.
The summer time is all play. Easy pickings from the tourist. Lots of good treasure, both in the dry or wet sand. I have gotten hair pins in the salt water with the ace 250.
Summer treasure comes from tourist. Winter treasure comes from the sea. If you want the winter treasure you have to go in and get wet.
The Ace is probably working fine, it is just winter time.
If there is anything you want to know more about, I will try to help you if I can. You can also e-mail me.