I know that depth is not the "end all" of hunting , but there are some very deep targets that I would like to be able to reach ...I know they are there , and have seen various machines go over them, and other machines hit them ...Since the Deleon is a TID machine, and forlks seem to have good luck with it as it does ID accurately , I was wondering how much deeper will the Tejon go in the same soil hunting the same target ? ..... Does the DeLeon's ID get weary down deep , or is it pretty accurate thru the entire range ? .... I'm not sure whether to go with a Tejon for my 2nd backup machine, or go with the DeLeon .....Many of the places I hunt have very deep targets , and I will also be hunting beaches quite a bit ....Having the adjustable G.B. on the Tejon is a HUGE plus in that regard, plus it will go deeper than the Deleon , but how much I'm not sure ....The DeLeon can be a HUGE time saver with the ID however .... I sure wish that Tesoro would build a machine with all the desired features in one package .....I guess I would be FAR FAR FAR down the list to get one of those after reading how many Tesoro users are looking for the same machine !!..... I'm finding that I use my brothers Silver uMax more and more ....It's just plain FUN !!!..... Please advise ....Thanks, Jim